Advocating for Afghan Women and Refugees – A Year in Review

Aug 3, 2024

Throughout the past year, the Afghanistan and Central Asian Association has been at the forefront of advocating for Afghan women and refugees, organising protests, cultural events, and discussions aimed at raising awareness and driving change. As we reflect on these activities, it’s clear that continued support and advocacy are essential to address the ongoing challenges faced by Afghans both in the UK and abroad. Together, we can strive for a future where the rights and freedoms of Afghan women and refugees are fully realised.

8 March 2024 – International Women’s Day Protests Highlight Plight of Afghan Women and Girls

On International Women’s Day, 8th March 2024, British Parliamentarians responded to the ongoing marginalisation of women and girls in Afghanistan and Iran. A powerful protest took place in Parliament Square, with participants, including members of the Afghanistan and Central Asian Association (ACAA), holding placards that read ‘Free Women of Afghanistan’ and ‘Girls in Afghanistan Must Go Back to School’. This protest underscored the urgent need for global action to support the rights and education of Afghan women and girls under the Taliban regime.

27 February 2024 – Celebrating Migrant Women in London

As International Women’s Day 2024 approached, London hosted various events celebrating the contributions and achievements of women. Notably, the ACAA organised an event titled “Women: Identity, Integration, and Inclusion” to honour migrant women. This event featured inspiring speeches, traditional Afghan music, and dance performances, celebrating the rich cultural heritage and resilience of Afghan women.

23 December 2023 – Dr. Nooralhaq Nasimi’s Inspiring Journey

Kent Live shared the remarkable story of Dr. Nooralhaq Nasimi, a former Afghan refugee who arrived in the UK in a refrigerated lorry. Dr. Nasimi, the founder of ACAA, was recently honoured with the Member of the British Empire (MBE) award. Reflecting on his journey and achievements, Dr. Nasimi expressed his delight at receiving this honour and highlighted his motivation for starting ACAA 24 years ago – to provide refugees with essential services and support that he had sought during his early years in London.

16 August 2023 – Protests Mark Two Years of Taliban Rule

The 15th of August 2023 marked the two-year anniversary of the Taliban’s return to power in Afghanistan. Under their rule, significant human rights violations have occurred, particularly against women’s education. In response, the ACAA organised peaceful protests outside Parliament, expressing solidarity with the people of Afghanistan. Protestors carried signs such as ‘No Taliban’ and ‘We Want A FREE Afghanistan’, emphasising the international community’s demand for a change in Afghanistan’s political landscape.

UK Relocation Schemes and the Channel Crisis

Two years after the fall of Kabul, a report by Justice highlighted significant issues with the UK’s Afghan relocation schemes. The ACAA has pointed out that the limitations of the Afghan Citizens Resettlement Scheme (ACRS) and the Afghan Relocations and Assistance Policy (Arap) have led many Afghans to undertake dangerous crossings across the English Channel. Despite these efforts, only a limited number of individuals have been successfully resettled in the UK, prompting calls for improved support and more effective strategies.

Engagement with Afghanistan’s Future

During this period, the ACAA hosted MP Tobias Ellwood at their Feltham Centre to discuss the UK Government’s strategy on Afghanistan. Ellwood, despite facing criticism, urged continued engagement with the Taliban regime and advocated for reopening the UK embassy in Kabul. His remarks during the event organised by ACAA emphasised the importance of not forgetting those left in Afghanistan and exploring diplomatic avenues to support them.

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