Our Work

Refugee Aid

Help people in Afghanistan and donate today

Building a brighter future

Empowering Refugees: Rebuilding Lives Together

Working to help refugees and migrants integrate into society and rebuild their lives in the UK is our main priority as a charity. We understand the trauma that comes with fleeing war-torn countries and escaping conflict in hopes for a better life, so at the Afghanistan and Central Asian Association we do all we can within our power to help that transition.

We offer a wide variety of services and aid to beneficiaries including but not limited to free-of-charge services which offers legal advice, mental health services, housing advice, digital education, fitness classes and ESOL classes amongst many other services. We help refugees and migrants create meaningful lives and give them the ability to prosper within the UK. Our centre is open 6 days a week and our services and help is extended to everyone. We never turn away someone in need and our staff work relentlessly to prioritise and help our beneficiaries.

Will you help?

Donate now to help provide food for a family struggling to survive.

Get Involved

We are always looking to expand our team of enthusiastic and committed volunteers.